Month: August 2020


THE BRITFIELD 2020/2021 CREATIVITY & WRITING SCHOOL TOUR will kick off in the North Eastern US this month. Offering this exceptional session with the Author through Zoom Meetings allows for multiple locations, time zones and various classroom accommodations. This “Live” visit can be accomplished in classrooms or to students schooling at home, allowing for more students to be inspired by this award winning author.

Posted by Suzanne Hauser


There is no better time to get kids engaged in the life-long love of reading. Attendees inspired by Britfield & The Lost Crown Author Visits earlier this year can continue to share the adventure. Download our Britfield Book Club Kit.

This resource is packed full of tips on how to continue to inspire your students to embrace their love of reading.

Posted by Suzanne Hauser

Meet KELLY – 2020/21 Book Tour Docent!

Kelly continues to be a behind-the-scene conductor of all things Britfield. Her attention to detail and inspired creativity help to move us forward on our mission to share C.R. Stewart’s books, and teaching sessions with schools everywhere.

As any good exhibit or museum will attest, a knowledgeable docent is a valuable resource. Kelly will be taking on that role for THE BRITFIELD 2020/2021 CREATIVITY & WRITING SCHOOL TOUR. She is the engine that will give you what you need to prepare for your individual school presentation. Reach out and say “HI”! Send your feedback. She’s listening.

Posted by Suzanne Hauser

Meet Suzanne – 2020/21 School Tour Coordinator

Suzanne joined the Brifield School Tour family last fall to help with the coordination for Mr. Stewart to accomplish The National Spring 2020 Britfield School Book Tour, that encompassed 9,000 miles, hit 18 states, and inspired over 25,000 students in 150 schools. Each event positively changed lives.

This year, Suzanne is back to help you navigate this new virtual school tour. Though the face-to-face will be a bit different, we are confident the high-impact presence of C.R. Steward is not diminished by this consideration of social distance. Students will continue to be inspired, educated and entertained during this valuable time with the author.

Suzanne is available to answer questions about scheduling your school event. Send her an e-mail:

Posted by Suzanne Hauser